Updated: January 13, 2023
To use this site, you must read and accept these rules in their entirety. Continuing to visit this site implies that you agree to these rules.
By agreeing through accessing and using my.hosting-shop.ro, your personal data and any other information provided by you may be processed and used by Hosting-Shop in any activities and purposes related to marketing, telecommunications, as well as for the purpose of achieving a legitimate interest of Hosting-Shop, for the creation of databases and their use for any purposes.
Hosting-Shop may hold information about you that you have provided to us (for example, through a request or a registration form, contract, etc.). This information may include, among other things, your name, address, phone numbers, information about how you use our services (for example: the type of hosting package contracted, the hosted site, how much you spend on our services, and information resulting from visiting our site), and any other information related to how you use our services.
Hosting-Shop may use this information for the following purposes:
processing your orders or requests
providing services to you
billing for ordered services
resolving your requests, questions, or complaints
conducting market and product studies and marketing Hosting-Shop products and services
contacting you (including by mail, email, fax, or phone) regarding offers of Hosting-Shop products and services or regarding products and services of carefully selected third parties that we believe may be of interest to you
recording information about you for the allocation or offering of rewards, discounts, and other benefits, as well as for satisfying other requests or requirements you have in connection with customer reward programs and other similar programs.
Hosting-Shop does not have the right to distribute this information about you to third parties.